
View the Project on GitHub Micahchang/DATA-150

I think that additional information could be added to the HDI calculations to provide a more accurate measurement of human development. I’m not sure to what extent the accuracy of HDI calculations can be improved upon, but I would think that the calculations right now seem to be based on too few values. For example, the health dimension is measured only by life expectancy, which I don’t think fully encapsulates the entire picture of the quality of health of a person. Other measurements such as stillbirth rates and maternal mortality rates, while not as significant, could still provide a better picture. I also think about things such as injuries or disease that are nonfatal, which would not impact the life expectancy of a person, yet still will hamper the health and quality of life of a person. I don’t know what measurements would be related to that example, or if such a measurement exists. The standard of living dimension, similar to the health dimension, is based on one value; GNI per capita. I think that other measurements could be included in this dimension to provide a fuller picture. While I think that the HDI could be improved upon by adding more measurements, I don’t know if it necessarily needs to be. As I read some of the HDI descriptor on the United Nations Development Programme website, I saw that it acknowledges the simplicity and exclusion of several important factors for the human development of countries. To understand the level of human development of a country, the HDI needs to be observed in concurrence with other parts of reports. The other point that should be taken into consideration in regards to the reliability and accuracy of using solely the HDI as a means of measurement of a country’s level of human development is the weight of each index. Does each dimension weigh equally in importance? I think it becomes difficult to accurately measure the importance of these dimensions, as people in different countries with different cultural and societal values will think differently.